At STAR Factor, we are dedicated to unlocking the full potential of educational leaders across all levels – from aspiring leaders, experienced principals, and superintendents, to educational consultants and policy makers. Our mission is to cultivate emotionally intelligent leadership that not only thrives on personal growth but also fosters a culture of empathy, understanding, and effective decision-making within educational institutions and beyond.

With over 50 years of combined expertise in psychology and education, our founders, Dr. Janet Patti and Dr. Robin Stern, have meticulously crafted programs that serve a diverse audience. Whether you are stepping into leadership, looking to enhance your existing leadership skills, or are looking to influence educational policy as a STAR Factor coach with emotional intelligence at its core, STAR Factor is your partner in this transformative journey.

We have walked in your shoes and recognize the need for thought partners and coaches. The work is hard and there is no reason to have to do it alone.

Who We Serve

  • School Principals and Administrators: Experienced leaders aiming to cultivate a culture of empathy and understanding.
  • Superintendents and District Leaders: High-level professionals looking to implement systemic changes and improve leadership across districts.
  • Aspiring Leaders: Individuals stepping into leadership roles, seeking foundational skills in emotional intelligence.
  • Educational Consultants and Coaches: Specialists focused on guiding educational leaders toward better emotional intelligence practices.
  • Policy Makers: Influencers in the education policy arena, interested in integrating emotional intelligence principles.

Our comprehensive programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of individuals, groups and teams across the spectrum of educational leadership. Take a look at our tailored programs below.

Series One: The Foundation of Emotional Intelligence in Leadership

Our unique approach integrates the latest research in emotional intelligence theory and practice, building on the pioneering work of Peter Salovey and Daniel Goleman and many others.

  • Overview: A foundational program combining group training and individual coaching sessions based on our 11-point model of emotionally intelligent leadership.
  • Format: Five half-day group training sessions coupled with six 1.5-hour individual coaching sessions every 2 weeks (over three months).
  • This series is a prerequisite for ALL other STAR Factor programs.

Series Two: Continuing Education

Designed for leaders seeking to overcome specific challenges or deepen their emotional intelligence skills.

  • Individual Coaching (Series 2): Tailored sessions that build upon the skills developed in Series One, focusing on achieving specific leadership goals.
  • Group Coaching (Series 2a): Designed for groups of up to 4 leaders, facilitating shared learning and support among peers

Series Three: Team Development with Emotional Intelligence

Perfect for leadership teams looking to foster a supportive and collaborative work environment.

  • Objective: Enhance team communication and effectiveness through emotionally intelligent team models.
  • Participants: Suitable for teams of up to 15 members, following the completion of Series One.

Series Four: Become a Certified STAR Factor Coach

Reach policy makers and educational systems as an educational consultant and coach

  • Program Aim: Equip individuals with the skills to become STAR Factor coaches through extensive training and assessment.
  • Requirements: An application and interview process. You will also need to have completed our prerquisite program, Series One, and a commitment to a year-long training program. 

Ready to Transform Your Leadership?

Embrace the journey of emotional and leadership growth with STAR Factor. Our programs are designed to meet you where you are and propel you to where you aspire to be. Whether you’re looking to deepen your understanding of emotional intelligence or aiming to cultivate a high-performing team, STAR Factor has a program for you.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

STAR Factor coaching programs are designed for a wide range of educational leaders, including aspiring leaders, school principals, superintendents, educational consultants, coaches, and policy makers. Our programs cater to anyone in the education sector looking to enhance their emotional intelligence and leadership skills.

Our programs integrate over 50 years of combined expertise in psychology and education, focusing on the development of emotional intelligence in leadership. We offer a mix of theoretical understanding and practical application, ensuring that participants can implement what they learn in real-world scenarios. Take a look at our approach and coaching model

  • Series One – introduction and prerequisite to all other training series: Approximately three months, including five half-day group training sessions and six individual coaching sessions.
  • Series Two – continuing education: Duration varies based on individual or group coaching preferences, building upon the foundational skills from Series One.
  • Series Three – team development: Tailored to team schedules, focused on enhancing team dynamics and performance.
  • Series Four – becoming a STAR Factor Coach: A year-long commitment for those looking to become certified STAR Factor coaches.


Yes, STAR Factor provides options for remote learning across all our programs to accommodate the needs of our diverse clientele. Our remote sessions are designed to be as interactive and engaging as in-person sessions.

Yes, Series Four is dedicated to training and certifying individuals as STAR Factor coaches. The program includes comprehensive training, coaching practice, supervision sessions, and an extensive exit performance assessment. Applicants must complete Series One and undergo an application and interview process.

The foundational program, Series One – The Basics, is a prerequisite for all other programs. It is designed to establish a solid foundation in emotional intelligence for effective leadership. For Series Four, additional prerequisites include completion of Series One and an application and interview process.

To begin your journey with STAR Factor, we recommend booking a discovery call with us. During this call, we’ll discuss your specific needs, goals, and which program would be the best fit for you. 

Connect with us, today!

Yes, we provide ongoing support to our program graduates. This includes access to a community of learners, opportunities for continued learning and development, and options for advanced coaching sessions to further refine your skills and address new challenges.