For over two decades, STAR Factor Coaching has been providing leadership coaching and professional development services to educators, principals, superintendents and the like. The foundation of STAR Factor is rooted in the profound belief and understanding that emotional intelligence is key to effective leadership and the overall success of any educational institution.

We have built and implemented our work in over 450 schools in urban NYC. We employ a diverse staff of consultants to work with our school leaders.

About STAR Factor Coaching

The inception of STAR Factor Coaching dates back to 2004. The organization was born out of the collaborative efforts of two educational visionaries – Dr. Janet Patti and Dr. Robin Stern. Their shared passion for social and emotional learning (SEL) and the development of emotionally intelligent leaders led to the creation of a unique platform aimed at fostering emotional intelligence in educators.

Dr. Janet Patti: An Educator And A Lifelong Advocate for Emotional Learning

Dr. Patti has an extensive background in education. As a former member of the Collaborative for Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL), she has contributed significantly to the field of SEL. Her journey includes turning around her own school in the early ’90s by implementing comprehensive school-wide SEL. Later, she served as a professor at Hunter College of CUNY, where she continued to promote emotional intelligence in education. Today, she stands as the CEO of STAR Factor Coaching, leading the charge in developing emotionally intelligent school leaders.

Dr. Janet Patti co-authored the book, Emotional Intelligence For School Leaders

Dr. Robin Stern: A Psychoanalyst with a Passion for Education

Dr. Robin Stern brings to the table her deep understanding of human emotions from her extensive work as a psychoanalyst.

She is the Senior Advisor to the Director at the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence and a co-creator of the RULER Approach to Emotional Intelligence for schools. Her expertise in understanding and managing emotions provides a unique perspective to the educational leadership approach of STAR Factor Coaching.

Robin continues to consult with many different organizations, schools, and events about the importance of emotional intelligence. You can learn more about Robin Stern, her work and accolades, here

The STAR Factor Coaching Model: Building Emotional Intelligence

The coaching model of STAR Factor Coaching is built upon the Goleman/Boyatzsis framework of emotional intelligence leadership. It encompasses four fundamental emotion-related abilities:

  • Perception/expression of emotion,
  • Use of emotion to facilitate thinking,
  • Understanding of emotion, and
  • Management of emotion in oneself and others.

The model also incorporates elements from the Salovey, Caruso, Mayer framework of emotional intelligence. The coaching for school leaders, teachers, and principals focuses on improving school leadership by developing emotional intelligence skills and preparing them to make thoughtful decisions that promote student growth.

The coaching model of STAR Factor Coaching also integrates the RULER approach to emotional intelligence. This distinctive methodology helps educators recognize, understand, label, express, and regulate emotions. The model emphasizes the importance of authentic, transformational leadership supported within the coaching relationship and training approaches.

How STAR Factor Coaching Empowers School Leaders

STAR Factor Coaching’s model focuses on refining specific emotion skills prominent in the SEL RULER Approach to Emotional Intelligence. This includes recognizing, understanding, labeling, expressing, and regulating emotions. By honing these skills, school leaders are better equipped to make thoughtful decisions that promote student growth.

Principal and Teacher Coaching

The organization offers comprehensive coaching for school leaders, teachers, and principals. Through their courses and training, school leaders build emotional and social strengths, improve their ability to handle challenges, and inspire others. The triple focus of educating self, others, and the larger community streamlines the learning process so that the leader embodies and models emotional intelligence, fostering an organization that follows suit.

Improving Teacher Quality and School Outcomes

STAR Factor Coaching’s model aids schools in enhancing teacher quality by engaging school leaders in self-evaluation, self-monitoring, and goal setting of their EI skills. As schools adapt to the most effective practices, school leaders are equipped to promote coherence among improvement efforts in the social, emotional, and academic aspects of school organization, programs, and services for adults and children.

Experience in Education

Unlike many vendors who provide coaching and professional leadership services to school leaders and their team, STAR Factor has the unique advantage to be built upon and by professionals who have actively worked in schools to develop Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) since the early 90’s. Dr. Patti was an original team member of the Collaborative for Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) and is well known and published in this field. She has provided numerous hours of professional development to schools and turned around her own school in the early 90’ws implementing comprehensive school wide SEL.

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Partnerships Bring Success

Over the years, STAR Factor Coaching has impacted over 450 schools in urban NYC, employing a diverse team of consultants to work with school leaders. The organization’s steadfast commitment to partnerships has seen fruitful collaborations with esteemed institutes such as Hunter College of CUNY, the Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence, New Visions for Public Schools, and the Council of Supervisors and Administrators (CSA), among others.

These partnerships continue to help expand the vision and mission of STAR Factor Coaching, enabling it to reach more educators and make a more significant impact on education.

The Book: Emotional Intelligence for School Leaders

The culmination of the years of research and practice by Dr. Patti and Dr. Stern is their book, “Emotional Intelligence for School Leaders.” The book offers a new way of thinking about leadership development and is a valuable resource for aspiring and established school leaders.

Learn more about the making of ‘Emotional Intelligence For School Leaders’

The Future of STAR Factor Coaching

As STAR Factor Coaching moves forward, its mission remains the same – to train and develop emotionally intelligent, culturally responsive leaders for today’s world. The organization continues to expand its partnerships and adapt its coaching models to the ever-evolving educational landscape. By doing so, it hopes to make a lasting impact on the future of education and ultimately, society.

STAR Factor Coaching is a testament to the power of emotional intelligence in education. Its work has transformed the leadership landscape in numerous schools, and its commitment to fostering emotional intelligence in leaders promises to continue shaping the future of education.

For more information about STAR Factor Coaching, consult with us today!