Elena Rovalino

Star Factor Coach

Elena Rovalino - Star Factor CoachElena (Papaliberios) Rovalino has served in the field of education for the past thirty-five years as teacher, district administrator, assistant principal, principal, and superintendent. Currently she works as a leadership development consultant and EI coach. She was trained on emotional intelligence back in 2005 and feels privileged to be able to now coach school leaders.

In her role as Superintendent of Bronx High Schools, she supervised as many as 96 middle and high schools where she created, implemented and interpreted educational policy. She worked with principals to support the success of all their students. Ms. Rovalino ensured that her schools used data to drive changes in classroom instruction. She provided professional development in all areas of instruction with an emphasis on curriculum development and planning. She co-constructed a yearlong leadership program with the University of Pennsylvania, which was tailored to the needs of the Principals under her supervision. At the core of her work has been the training and development of new leaders. Above all, she worked incessantly to ensure equity, access and high standards for all students.

Ms. Rovalino worked with the NYS Education Department in training Superintendents, Principals and district level personnel on the Diagnostic Tool for School and District Effectiveness (DTSDE). She has conducted State reviews in districts such as Rochester, New York City, and Newburgh. Currently, she works as a leadership coach supporting school leaders in implementing systems and structures that will help them move their schools to reach the highest levels of success.


BA History and Education
City College of New York

MS Administration and Supervision
Long Island University, CW Post Campus

Interesting Facts

What I love about coaching: Giving people the gift of a period of time where they can focus on themselves in order to become the best they can be as leaders and as people.